Ost-Oya - selfdraining clay irrigation vessel

A traditional and easy way to save water and improve plant growth
Traditional and easy way to save time, water, and better plant growth. Ost-Oya (olla, oya) is a neo-antique vessel made of porous, self-permeable clay that is buried in the ground to naturally irrigate the garden while significantly reducing water loss and watering work. Just fill your Ost-Oya (olla, oya) with water every few days and the rest will do itself. How?
It’s simple, the roots of plants instinctively grow towards the porous clay, which allows them to take in exactly as much water as they need and when they need it. No more, no less. As a result, water consumption decreases, you care for the environment and your garden looks even more impressive.
Which Ost-Oya for your garden?
Small Ost-Oya
Small Ost-Oya provides humidity within 30 cm. Perfect for large pots and balcony boxes.
width: 95 mm
height: 140 mm
capacity: 0,5L
price: 69 zł

Medium Ost-Oya
Provides humidity within 45 cm. Perfect for home gardens, flower beds, flower beds and vegetable patches.
width: 180 mm
height: 270 mm
capacity: 2,5L
price: 89 zł

Large Ost-Oya
Provides humidity within a radius of 60 cm. Designed for intensive cultivation on a larger scale.
width: soon
height: soon
capacity: soon
price: depending on the order

How Ost-Oya works?

1. Instalation
Dig a hole in the ground and bury the vessel in it. Surround them with friendly plants to help them grow. Plants should be planted or sown within a radius that provides the extent of soil moistening, which varies with the size of the Ost-Oya. The roots will automatically grow towards the water source until they find the vessel.

2. Water
Using a hose or watering can fill the vessel with water all the way to the neck. Check the water level every few days and refill the vessel. Your garden grows freely with much less water used. We also suggest watering your plants extra for the first few weeks (a little longer if you’re sowing seeds) so that the roots can grow before they find the Ost-Oya. After this period, water in the vessel itself is enough.

3. Growth
Over time, the roots attach to the outer part of Ost-Oya and extract water when they need it. They only use as much as their current needs require, giving you a beautiful garden with less water and less work.
Care and use
Im lepiej dbasz o swoją Ost-Oya, tym dłużej będzie ona działać prawidłowo.
Watch out! It may freeze
The water in the walls will expand when it freezes and may burst the pan. Pull the Ost-Oya out of the ground before the frosts start. Clean the vessel and store it in a dry place.
Cleaning instructions
Gently pull the vessel out of the ground, remove roots and dirt with water and a stiff brush (you can use 1:10 vinegar for a water solution) and rinse the inside. Periodic cleaning and removing dirt build-up helps maintain porosity at the proper level. Store in a dry place.